Face Challenges Confidently

Important Medicare Deadline

Thursday, July 18th, 2024

Alert: Current Medicare Providers!

Check your Medicare enrollment.  On April 25, 2024, Medicare sent letters to those not receiving Medicare payments via electronic funds transfer (EFT).  In accordance with 42 CFR 424.510(e)(1), and Pub 100-08, Chapter 10, Section 10.6.10 of the Internet-Only Manuals, all providers and suppliers are required to receive payments via electronic funds transfer.  All suppliers should ensure they have downloaded and completed the current version of the paper EFT form.  When submitting this form, a voided check or a letter from the bank verifying the account information should also be included. 

If an EFT form is not submitted by the due date of July 24, 2024, a supplier will have its Medicare billing privileges deactivated.

The reactivation process requires a supplier to complete a full 855S form and wait for it to be processed. This process can take 90 days or longer and the supplier is unable to submit claims during this time. Suppliers may also end up with a gap in the ability to bill claims.

See the respective NPE Contractor’s website for how to submit the EFT.

NPE East – Novitas
NPE West – Palmetto GBA

If you have any questions, please contact Denise Leard at dleard@bf-law.com or 833-228-6300.