by Beth Anne Jackson, J.D. On June 23, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) announced the creation of the Office of Burden Reduction and Health Informatics (the “OBRHI”). OBRHI serves two purposes: it centralizes CMS’s efforts to reduce regulatory and administrative burden on providers and to actualize the potential of data-driven health […]
Furnishing Items to Inpatients By: Todd A. Moody, Esq. Earlier this year, in the Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter issued by CMS, the topic of coverage for DMEPOS furnished to inpatients was addressed. This came on the heels of a report issued by the OIG at the end of 2018 about the extent of improper […]
On September 26, 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule regarding discharge planning requirements that will impact home health agencies, among other health care providers such as hospitals. The final rule, published in the Federal Register on September 30, 2019, updates discharge planning requirements under the various providers’ Conditions […]
In May 2019, CMS released draft guidance for hospitals addressing co-location, which is the first time CMS has formally addressed co-location issues. When separate entities share space, staff, and/or services, they may considered co-located providers. Examples of co-location include a provider that leases space from a hospital or two hospitals that share space and staff. […]
An IHHC Allied member contribution by Markus P. Cicka, J.D., LL.M. (Health Law) In the July 2, 2019 edition of the Communicator Xpress, I discussed a CMS final rule (the “Final Rule”), effective July 5, 2019, which removed the regulatory text that allows a state to make Medicaid payments to third parties on behalf of […]
by: Bradley W. Howard Several recently issued federal indictments in Florida, Missouri and Virginia all tell the same story: Home Health Agencies, their owners and employees have been charged with health care fraud counts premised on the agencies billing Medicare or Medicaid for home health services that were not actually provided to home-based patients in […]
By: Allison Davis, J.D. Many employers only have comprehensive, written employment agreements for senior management and rely on at-will employment laws and regulations for the rest of their employees. However, employers should consider entering into detailed, written employment agreements with certain types of employees. Specialized Training. If an employer provides an employee with specialized training, […]